What We Do

What We Do 

Outreach in the Barrio focuses on alleviating adversities without judgment within our local homeless and low-income communities by restoring dignity through compassion and bringing support, hope, and resources to those facing significant life challenges. We do this by:

  • Creating sustainable programs to consistently serve humanity.
  • Showing every single Sunday night for weekly street feedings for our homeless neighbours in Downtown Houston with full-course, healthy meals, water, hygiene packages, and warm clothing.
  • Delivering additional resources to underserved communities with basic human necessities such as furniture, blankets, hygiene products, cleaning products, etc.

Why We Do This

Outreach In The Barrio is a grassroots faith-based non-profit organization. We not only provide immediate relief; we engage and build organic relationships and trust with those we serve to alleviate unnecessary human suffering. Connecting people with resources where they would otherwise not be able to obtain them. We support people who want to do the work.

We started with the intention to please our Creator.

We have created a process to continue to give a helping hand for humanity. Piloting and creating sustainable programs to feed the people who are displaced on the streets.

We distribute weekly resources such as quality food and water, clothes, shoes, hygiene items, blankets, sleeping bags, etc., or significant resources throughout the year


We are Houstonians coming together for the greater good and collectively volunteer our time, energy and talents to those who need it the most. We create a safe, inclusive and non judgmental zone and invite all to participate.

Sponsor Program

We know that we can not save the world but we believe that together we can make this world a better place to live in. “If we save one person it’s as you have saved all humanity”. We encourage others to create systems such as OIB or whatever is best logistically and Outreach in their Barrios.


Charity Fund

We need to remain in compliance and we need your help to continue to feed hundreds of homeless brothers and sisters weekly.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.